Pokemon: Ultimate Team
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I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial

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I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Empty I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial

Post by SasukatandKitachi Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:10 pm

This is my main PBR team, or rather one of my main 2. I was hoping for suggestions for how to win as I am stuck on set 5.

Meganium I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRk9LQQ9e7-d_EISBPTFM3wfx0NIAh51a2PMelV0K1hf9RajU_h@Leftovers(Hardy)

~Seed Bomb

Meganium is the only eved one on this team, with 252 in hp and 252 in attack iirc. Kinda crappy evs but still. A lot of the time he isn't used unless I am against a lot of grounds.

MespritI can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Z @Odd Incense(Timid)

~Ice Beam
~Water Pulse

Mesprit is UT so that I can ev him at some point when I am not lazy. He almost always comes out as one of my 2 leads along with Electivire for Earthquake

Metagross I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjrzuTXUk18Tq7cGiHxPrqJ-MfeHYupQLP7FazymEhV1xHFAvh@Occa berry(Brave)
~Bullet Punch
~Meteor Mash
~Hammer Arm
~Zen Headbutt

Metagross normally comes in after Electivire dies, unless it died to ground in which case Dragonite comes out, as if Mesprit dies I bring out Dragonite more often then not for more Earthquake. Those 4 are the 4 I bring out normally if it is a 4-4. Metagross has proven his worth many times, and is ready to be eved when needed.

Typhlosion I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWwsSAq21kJFxR3lnjGpBGVWIFfI5gSVUZD2tZT4FQ-dotonU3@Nothing(need a suggestion)(Hasty)
~Sunny Day

Typhlosion isn't used much, and he is the one I am most open to replacing. He is on there more for bragging rights as he is shiny, but he hasn't done much.

ElectivireI can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4mQWotH8z9eJyj4TFHn1tJMRIuBetLXVDv6KbTnHFewoT_-jq@Razor Claw(Adamant)
~Ice Punch
~Cross Chop

Ah Electivire, one of my team's most reliable pokemon. Normally it leads with Mesprit and EQs a lot, but if the opponent has any main threats, or flyers/levitaters, it will normally use a different move instead. He will probably be the next to be EVed.

DragoniteI can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPU5t6tzgGHHeiFMoWHRfYNN0KJij2ijTC4HNkI3eCF5TpH7ep@Focus Sash(Adamant)
~Dragon Claw
~Fly(Looking for a replacement to this, thinking fire punch)
~Dragon Dance
Okay, I guess I lied, as Dragonite is EVed as well, in Speed and Attack. I am not sure about the Speed IV, but iirc atk is a 31. He normally comes in when there are no SE threats on the field and DDs, then rapes.


Posts : 242
Join date : 2011-01-21
Age : 29

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I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial Empty Re: I can't defeat Air Man...I mean Mysterial

Post by Valo Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:33 pm

Sorry but Meganium is pretty worthless is most ways. It's vastly inferior to virtually any other toxic staller. Aromatherapy is useful but most of your Pokemon seem to be attackers and stalling with one Pokemon may be a bad idea as Pokemon on both sides should be going down fast.

Mesprit looks decent but there must be something better than Water Pulse out there. Since he is your lead, some kind of support move may be useful. Also there are probably better options to Odd Incense. If he doesn't hang around long and wants to hit hard, can you not use Life Orb?

Metagross looks fine, maybe use a second EQer over Hammer Arm to deal with those fires (you have Occa Berry so why not?), especially considering you have two immunities.

Typhlosion. Hmm. I agree that it should be replaced, but I'm no expert so what with I'm not sure. Maybe a bulky water? If you do put in EQ on 'Gross, then it's usability is somewhat dampened. Sunny Day seems a bad choice due to it being frail, Mesprit could set it up or even Meganium if you want to use it. You would have to rework the EVs to fit on Solarbeam though. Make it fully special over mixed too so you can work as a full sweeper, take off Double-Edge definitely. Up to you what to throw in. Life Orb or Sash are the main options.

Electivire needs little to no reworking. Again, Life Orb or perhaps Expert Belt with that coverage are great options.

Dragonite is fairly bulky and surely a Sash is redundant unless you must survive an ice hit. Fly of course should be replaced with Fire Punch. Superpower hits steels harder though, so consider that. Doesn't work great with DD though. EQ again is an option but redundant if Gross uses it.

Other than that I have no knowledge of PBR and am speaking purely from a competitive perspective.


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Join date : 2011-01-20
Age : 27
Location : Cobourg, ON


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